
2/365 ::: out

because mandy thinks i should be blogging my project365 no matter how cruddy the pictures turn out. :o)

2/365 ::: out

i didn't have much time to take a picture of ashton today. by the time i remembered i needed one for project365 ashton was already asleep for bed (david rocks him before putting him to bed). my flash was out of batteries and the sun was setting (=not a lot of natural light in the house) so i had to up the ISO and use a slow shutter speed (something i rarely, if ever, do). which brings down the quality of the image (why it looks so blurry/not as sharp like my other pictures). i also didn't utilize the full potential of my lens. i stopped at f/3.2 when i could (should) have opened wide at f/1.4. shame really. it would have been a better quality picture! live and learn.


  1. Please -- MUCH better than me! I've missed quite a few days already, sadly, and will have to rename my project Wes Year 1 instead of Wes365.

    I think I'll try again next year (to be honest, my newborn pictures were all pretty much starting to look the same. I think Year 2 might make for more interesting photographs).

    Good for you for keeping up with it. Plus these photos still look great!

  2. haha this made me laugh! yes blog them, because I SAID! i am the boss of you.

    i love love how big he's getting! little chug-a-lug!

  3. highernest- i feel the same way about my newborn shots. i'm always thinking, "here's another one of him....doing nothing. again." :o/ hahaha. half of me wants him to grow up so my pictures have more life to them and the other half wants him to stay itty bitty forever! :o)

    LOL @ mandy. no i was just thinking of what you said. about it just being ONE picture to post a day. made me feel lazy. LOL
