
it's official

after debating for months, i have decided that i am going to sell my 85mm lens. oh how i love the lens. i wish i could keep it. unfortunately, i really need a sharp zoom lens and my kit lens (the only zoom i own) is not cutting it when compared to my 50mm prime lens. i am listing it on ebay tomorrow. i hope it sells quickly. it's the only way i will be able to afford a new lens. just to show you how much a difference it makes with different lenses:




also if you own lightroom. becoming-mom has made her own presets and is giving them away for free. all you have to do is have a flickr account and join her group. i played around with some of them this evening:

becomingmom - before & after

i love lightroom. i love making my own presets. i made this one a few days ago. i named it, "cotton candy".

testing my focus


  1. im so jealous. youre so good at this stuff. someday i hope to be as good!

  2. No! Don't sell it! I shoot my son (and pretty much everything else) with three primes: 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.2, and 35mm 1.4. Prime lenses are the BEST! I have actually stopped using my zoom lens since I got my primes. Maybe I'll pull it out again one day, but right now, primes let me get that gorgeous bokeh I love, and the sharpness I need! Don't do ittttt!!!!

  3. noooo! don't talk me out of it! lol. truth is i need a better wide angle lens. DH hates using primes as he finds them difficult to use (having to move forward and backwards to get a shot is aggravating to him). my kit lens is far from sharp (as you can tell)! at least a better zoom lens would be. however, i might look into getting a 35mm instead. i find i use (need) my zoom when i need a wider shot. are you shooting with canon lenses? i noticed you have a 85mm 1.2 and 35mm 1.4 which are L series on canon. if so, no wonder your primes are so perfect and i'm wicked jealous!

  4. You are such a sweet mom! Your baby is precious, and has the bluest eyes in Texas! Mindy had her baby last Wednesday, the 29th of April. She would love for you to call!

    As far as naps, I, as your bossy aunt, do have lots of advice based on years of daycare. If you want to hear, just email or call.

    We hope to see you guys in July. We are going to be in Dallas for a wedding.
    I have a friend in Lewisville who raised 6 wonderful kids if you would like a mom mentor who is close.

  5. I didn't realize you responded to my comment on here until today! I would definitely recommend getting a 35mm. I do have the L versions. The only non-L lens I own is the Canon 50mm 1.4 because I couldn't justify paying another $1000 just for 1.2 (and didn't have the money for it at the time, either). I shoot weddings so that's why I have all the L's.

    Tell DH that he needs to DEAL!!! :) Using nice fast primes is way better than zooms! Though, if I were going to buy a zoom lens it would be the 16-35mm 2.8L!
